After much trial and error, this worked for me. I have Studio One 5 Pro and the Arturia KeyLab mkII 61. With the keyboard on, first in the Arturia Midi Control Center in the Device Settings tab, in DAW Map select Studio One. Close that. Then in Studio One Configure External Devices there are two devices to set up. First select Mackie, Mackie Control, Receive From MIDINI2 (KeyLab mkII 61) and Send to MIDIOUT2 (KeyLab mkII 61). Next, create a new keyboard device, name it Arturia KeyLab mkII 61, and Receive From KeyLab mkII 61 and Send To none. That worked for me. In a song, select DAW on the keyboard to work the DAW controls, and ANALOG LAB to work an Analog Lab insert. I haven't used other instruments yet, but I assume they would need to be mapped with USER on the keyboard. Good luck. I wish one or both of the companies explained that.