Questions & Answers

Melodyne 5 key

+1 vote
asked Jan 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lordlennie (150 points)
My Melodyne 5 key. I have upgraded from Studio one professional 4 to Studio one Professional 5. My license key to Melodyne 5 is gone. I can't start my Melodyne at all. When I log in to my Celemony Account I still can't get my license key. Please help me!!! Where is my license key to my Melodyne 5 that comes with my Studio one 5 professional???. I am stuck and I can't work!! I am on a Mac with Big Sur but that is not a problem I know. Can you please supply me with my key to Melodyne 5 that comes with my Studio one 5 Professional! Thank you! Sincerely Lennie.