Questions & Answers

I would like S1 5 Pro to be able to scan VST3 plugins outside the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 doctrine.

+1 vote
asked Jan 26, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by jeroenbrandjes (270 points)
edited Feb 10, 2021 by jeroenbrandjes

Feature Request,

Please Presonus think outside the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 box.

NO you can not add VST3 plugins to Studio One following the menu Studio One->Options->Locations->VST Plug-Ins and click "Add".  You can NOT add any folder on your computer and Studio One will NOT scan it for VST3 plug-ins if they are not in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3.

It is not about which vst3 plug-in (although there are a lot  ), it is about, being able to arrange the location of any plug-in yourself. There are plenty of reasons like HW reasons( fast expensive but small HD as C: ), weird and clumsy install and uninstall reasons, arranging reasons, anti-cluttering,

Sadly the "Ableton shortcut trick" doesn't work.
Mklink does but is a lot of hassle for such a simple feature

-- edit, why in earth would somebody vote against some useful feature like this? surprise

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2021 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
edited Jan 26, 2021 by matthewritenburg
Which VST3 plugins do you have installed in a different path?
0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2021 by Around Since Dirt (700 points)
Try the Ableton trick of inserting a shortcut to the other location inside the VST3 primary location. No promises on it working with S1 but it works elsewhere,