Questions & Answers

My faderport classic won't pair with Cubase 8 and Windows 7 7 even with the SP1 upgrade.

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asked Feb 3, 2021 in FaderPort Classic by marcusholden1 (120 points)
Hi ther. I recently bought a Faderport classi. I run Cubase 8 on a Windows 7 machine. I downloaded the Universal port drivers which didn't install properly because it said I needed to install SP1. I found a copy of SP1 but this failed to install as the computer said SP1 was already installed. I no get an error message from the Faderport program saying please install SP1. Can you please help with 1. a driver that will work, 2. step by step instructions on how to get this device to work. By the way, I don't have the computer connected to the net to avoid annoying OS updates.