Questions & Answers

Studio 5 (current version) is freezing on my iMac 2017 Catalina: Anyone same issues?

0 votes
asked Feb 4, 2021 in Studio One 5 by christianrder (220 points)
I use an OB-6, a drum machine, a Moog Minitaur and an Arp Axxe via USB plus Plugins from Softube, NI and Arturia. It first worked fine, now total freezing, impossible to work with. Anyone with the same issues here? Have created a ticket, waiting for response.

1 Answer

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answered Feb 5, 2021 by christianrder (220 points)
Solved it myself. Issue with Softube Console 1 that I plugged off temporarily in order to use USB port for other device and was running in the background. CPU got exhausted for SO5 then, had either to close Console 1 on-display app or plug in again Console 1, then CPU was in accurate area and SO5 working again. For Console users relevant maybe.