Questions & Answers

Has anyone else experienced Crashing, freezing Studio one 5 ?

+165 votes
asked Jul 28, 2020 in Studio One 5 by navjotsingh4 (1,620 points)
I never had any issue with studio one 4 but Studio one 5 sees to have a lot of crash rates so far, although its a great daw but its crashes making me end the process which is kinda affecting my whole system.

97 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by TheFlowerKings (1,120 points)

Oh yes it constantly freezes when editing any parameter with my hardware synths...
+3 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by navjotsingh4 (1,620 points)
Thanks TheFlowerKings , So its not only me and a few people I know. a lot of people having same issue. am having issue.Hope presonus fixes it soon
+7 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by gregoroppitz (410 points)

I am really getting frustrated and mad. I have several hardware synths and every time when I play for a minute on my Sub 37, Studio one just hangs up. I have to close it with the brute method on mac.

This is horrible and I am thinking of selling Studio one 5 and going back and staying with Ableton, if this is not fixed in the near time.
+15 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by lucaspiedracueva (1,530 points)
Me too!!! It crashes a lot!! No problem when working on V4.
+1 vote
answered Jul 28, 2020 by mickaelkassapian (180 points)
YES same issues here, and we can't open V5 song in S1 V4!
+4 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by jasonlillebo (2,030 points)
Same here. Also happens alot when editing hardware synths. But also when I just do stuff like duplicate parts. I have had times where it crashes every 2-3 minutes. And because I cant open the track in S1 4 I have to deal with this which is really annoying.
+17 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by jonasoberressl (1,650 points)
Im heavin huge performance issues in V5... V5 eats 60-100% more CPU in general compared to V4.6… so I can`t even play sessions that hang at around 60-70%  in v4.6 ... + i get graphics errors and crashes

very, very frustrating!!!
+12 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by Phil Buckle (1,450 points)
Yes constantly crashing for me. The most unstable version I've ever used of S1.

I know it's bad practice to jump into a new version when you have a full schedule of work but I made a mistake this time.

There is also another thread on this forum about S One 5 crashing all the time.
+4 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by martinschdel (1,690 points)
I have the same experience, so far. Don't know why . And now i can' t use my Melda Plugins anymore, because SO5 crashes everytime when i try to use the Plugins. Even after new installation of SO5 or the Melda 14.07 Software its' doing nothing but crashing.
+6 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by fredmays (340 points)
I too have had the crash now on three separate occasions. Have been advising people to go to Studio One BUT this instability is making me stop. Maybe I will stay with Logic if this isnt repaired soon.
+3 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by anthonyhenry2 (240 points)
Yep. Loads:(
–14 votes
answered Aug 2, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)

In almost all cases old 3rd party plug-ins are the culprit. Contact the plug-in vendors to get updated versions of plug-ins. Studio One can't help if 3rd party plug-ins crash.
If you're still having issues, contact support

+3 votes
answered Aug 2, 2020 by normanriley (5,530 points)
I'm running Catalina 10.15.6 and my S1 5.0 crashes every **** day.  It happens for no apparent reason at all, and it is extremely frustrating.  I hope PreSonus will fix some of this in the next update.
+6 votes
answered Aug 5, 2020 by mikecove (320 points)
Me too.

Also noticed S1 5 will close for no apparent reason. I have already had to rely on 3 instances of auto-back up files to prevent a complete loss of the sessions.
+6 votes
answered Aug 5, 2020 by davidantonia (470 points)
edited Aug 5, 2020 by davidantonia
It seems very buggy. Constant freezing when working it more cpu intensive projects. Never had these issues with v4 (or maybe I did at the beginning before they patched them). Checking daily for an update so that the software becomes usable in a recording environment (I still have v4 installed for work because its far more reliable).

It tends to happen when setting up sends and sidechains etc. Something probably got broken when they introduced the new cue mix stuff?
+6 votes
answered Aug 5, 2020 by tomfernandez1 (280 points)
Here is the same! MIllons problems!!! I want to roll back to SO4.
+1 vote
answered Aug 15, 2020 by randynwood (170 points)

I am absolutely having  crashes in Studio One 5. My entire system freezes, sometimes I have to hard reboot my computer. So far I have gotten these errors:

  • Studio One Graphics hardware acceleration issue detected
  • Could not save {filename} - The System cannot find the file specified (D:/songs/cinematic/{filename}.song.temp
  • System error "Unexpected parameters"
This is on new hardware. I am about ready to reinstall Studio One 4, at least that will eliminate the possibility that my machine was not configured correctly.
+7 votes
answered Sep 9, 2020 by justinwoodrow (280 points)
Consistent with all mentions in this thread - I have to "end task" to close out Studio One 5 nearly every time I finish a session. I only use Kontakt 6 (full version) and audio files, so I'm not using anything too crazy. As for plug-ins, I use FabFilter and Izotope. Recently, I switched to Studio One 5 from Acid Pro 10, and I can tell you that all the plug-ins and Kontakt 6 work perfectly fine in Acid Pro 10, with no issues like I've experienced with Studio One 5. Thus, it seems to be the DAW's issue (Studio One's issue) and not 3rd party plug-ins...

Oh yeah, and I'd like to add something. Please, PreSonus, update the tiny user font of the user interface associated with Kontakt. It's like I need a magnifying glass to see what's going on, and I'm using a 32" screen. Thank you!
+3 votes
answered Sep 10, 2020 by addhitman (660 points)
Studio One 5 crashes every time I load UVI Workstation.

But, with everything S1 does right, I'm certainly not complaining; just hoping for a fix.

Yes, everything is updated; UVI, S1, W10, all of it.
+1 vote
answered Sep 21, 2020 by RToon (880 points)
Yes, same here many crashes while using in V5 quite often. Using Windows 10 newer gaming laptop SSD while in optimized mode with no active network connection.   Never was a problem in previous versions on an older laptop.  Was offered free upgrade for recently getting V4 Pro, now that I've upgraded, I wish I would have stayed. This is was a very disappointing "upgrade".  Why not support backward compatibility within your own product line for failsafe at least.  Think of your users, who are your customers.
+1 vote
answered Sep 22, 2020 by omarjimenez3 (440 points)


Yes Studio One 5 freezes as soon as I add Izotope´s Vocal Synth plugin

I´ve checked, and it doesn´t happen on Studio One 4, otherwise working excellent for me

but... Please Help!!!

+3 votes
answered Sep 23, 2020 by nelsonmorales (330 points)
Yes, nonstop and I am so unbelievably frustrated!!! I have been going back and forth with technical support for 8 days.  I can’t get anything done and it happens constantly and 99% of the time in the mixing console.  I’m ready to get rid of it and get something else if they cannot fix this ASAP.  Has anyone had any luck fixing this issue?!   I’m also super annoyed because I paid $165 to get Sphere and upgrade to S1 5, and now I wish I never did!  Version 4 NEVER gave me a problem, NEVER!   ~ Shannon
+3 votes
answered Sep 27, 2020 by bjkukuk (200 points)
Same here, can hardly finish a session before it freezes up and have to use end task to close it. I have everything updated to latest version os, s1, all drivers, still stuck in this madness. I love studio one, please fix soon
+2 votes
answered Sep 30, 2020 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)
Same here.. Few crashes but a lot of the time S1 freezes OR loses frames. Sometimes it is almost impossible to work.
I've noticed problems with Omnisphere (if you open the envelope section and edit the envelope zoom, framerate drops) and UVI which also caused framerate drops. I crashed while doing simple operations, most of them while the song was being played.

I also have to end the task many times. That's not really convenient.
0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2020 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)
Also, after using Windows Lockscreen, if you had S1 open before the lockscreen, it gets visually bugged. Playback line is fragmented, glitchy, mouse location is misplaced and always have to restart S1.
+1 vote
answered Oct 1, 2020 by nelsonmorales (330 points)
Hey friends,

So I went back and forth with tech support for 2 weeks but at least on my end I think the issue is fixed.  You can’t be using Melodyne version 4 - It crashes S1 -5.  Even if it’s disabled.  You must completely uninstall it and delete and then install Melodyne Version 5.  Also, from what tech said, you can’t use any Waves plugins and they’re trying to fix that.  The only thing I had was Melodyne (no Waves plug-ins)

So far, seems to be working and mine was literally freezing and crashing every 15-20 min if not more.  Hope this helps!  And hope it stays as well! Lol :))

- Shannon
+2 votes
answered Oct 2, 2020 by arpitgandhi1 (310 points)
I am having issues w/ vocalign that any project saved w/ it wont open up and crashes studio one
+1 vote
answered Oct 3, 2020 by dezmondcovington (160 points)
None of my data is being saved. Every time I open S1 5 my system is reset and I have to redownload, install, and activate my products and sound libraries. Didn't start having this problem until a few days ago. WHAT WENT WRONG??!?!!
+1 vote
answered Oct 24, 2020 by cathedral studios (160 points)
Just lost 4 hours of work because of this.

Can't even find the .song file despite saving religiously on top of autosave (this has been a problem for the past month). My raw audio files are in the 'Media' subfolder as expected, but no program file and no record of the MIDI work I had done (80% of the project).

The plugin that triggered the crash: Pro EQ. A stock plugin.
+1 vote
answered Oct 30, 2020 by andrewmyslinski (390 points)
Is the issue with Waves plugins officially confirmed by Presonus?
In changelog of version 5.1 I don't see any information about fix related to this. Is it mean the problem is not solved in 5.1?
+1 vote
answered Nov 6, 2020 by jakkub6 (160 points)
I guess I'll join the party, too. I just bought the upgrade from Studio One 3 Artist to Studio One 5 Artist because I got an Arturia Keylab Essential keyboard and I couldn't get Studio One 3 to recognize it. Studio One 5 opens the new song window but then freezes so I can never tell if it will recognize my new Arturia keyboard! Is there fix yet?!
+1 vote
answered Nov 11, 2020 by hardrickhouston (280 points)

The crashing issues started a week ago for me. Studio one 5 crashes when I do anything at all (start a new song) crashes (open old song file) crashes. I can't do anything at all. I'm not using anything that didn't come with studio one so I'm sure the issue is with PreSonus.

+1 vote
answered Nov 11, 2020 by mcn (160 points)
I've been dealing with a lot of glitching the last few weeks in S1 5, so I've been recording my clients in version 4. I've tried several things to fix the issue. I run windows 10 i7 with UA Apollo twin usb. No problems on version 4.6. I've tried disabling core parking and cpu throttling and nothing has worked. I'm in the process of moving projects back to S1 4.6 and unsubscribing to Presonusphere. Hopefully they'll work the bugs out of the program, otherwise I might have to go back to Cubase. I love S1 4 and it never gave me problems, so I really hope they fix this.
+1 vote
answered Nov 15, 2020 by nicolasbernier (240 points)
reshown Nov 15, 2020 by nicolasbernier

Same issues for me too!! I took several pictures of the frozen screens with colored triangles, always different each time!! I have to reduce the window and open again to reset. Also, I have some AU plugins that have black screens, dut in my list and the are working. I paid for version 4 and 5 few months after with so many new features as there are issues!! But so bizarre, no problem with last versions 4 or 3 for that matter. I am very disappointed. It takes an new update quickly to fixe that!

0 votes
answered Nov 15, 2020 by michalnewton (140 points)
Ok, I figured out where my problem was. After trying several different things including bios settings cpu throttling settings, a different audio interface, it ended up being my ethernet cable. I unplugged my ethernet cable and just used the wi-fi connection and the cpu spikes and glitches are gone. So for my instability issue, that solved the problem. Studio One 5 is stable for me now. Yay!
+1 vote
answered Nov 24, 2020 by darrenstewart4 (450 points)
I'm going to have to add my voice to those people complaining about freezes, crashes, glitches and bugs in Studio one 5 which has become really annoying over the past week or so.  I realise this is now a very powerful and complicated piece of software but it has gone from the odd glitch which could be sorted out by simply restarting to the point now where S1 is freezing and I'm losing work.  Especially since one of the bugs seems to happen when it tries to autosave.

Feels to me like it's time to stop adding features for a while and just getting it running smoothly again.  Studio one 4 was much more stable.
+4 votes
answered Nov 29, 2020 by philangus (10,160 points)
What Studio One really needs is some kind of crash report log for Windows, I understand the mac version has it. We are working painfully blind and the usual suggestion of setting everything back to defaults from their support and spending hours trying to isolate plugins is unacceptable!  Most times I try and update a track in the project page I get an endless hour glass at the end instead of the usual pop up to tell me it’s complete. Also, in any song at any random time  the Faderport 2 causes S1 to freeze. As soon as I press the power button on the FP2, S1 frees up again. I have a very powerful multi core PC with 128 gig of ram so no machine issues!
+2 votes
answered Dec 3, 2020 by aleksandarristic (360 points)
I am also experiencing random crashing. Sometimes when opening new vst, or opening effect from a channel.
It shows just the outline of a effect/vst window, at that point music is still playing but when I click on X to close, or anything else it freezes and I have to "end task". It doesn't matter which effect I want to open from a mixer channel.
I  tried reinstalling some VST's and effects, but crashes keep happening randomly.
+6 votes
answered Dec 4, 2020 by lassieronen (450 points)

Yes. Unfortunately I am now at the point where I expect the DAW to crash several times during a work session. So I'm basically saving the project after every little edit.

Will be looking to change over to Cubase or Ableton, because even though I love love love the workflow in Studio One the quality issues are unbearable. I have unexplained behaviour that extends beyond simple crashing

  • Audio events don't play (replay fixes it)
  • Sometime midi events don't play (replay fixes it)
  • Mixdown export sounds like it came from a shredded (retry fixes it)
  • Tracks have strange compression sound effect, even though there are no compressors anywhere
  • Effects disappear from the chain but appear after closing and opening the project
I just wish that Presonus would read these comments and just dedicate a version to nothing but stability and bug fixes. I really don't need any more functionality - but stability.
+2 votes
answered Dec 9, 2020 by stephanweber (360 points)
It is 12/9/2020 and still no response from Presonus.
I am a veteran Cubase user and switched to S1 for obvious reasons.  Needless to say I have been experiencing freezes and crashes as well, and without a bug log it is extremely crimping on my work/creative flow - having to try to reinvent the wheel. Why are we paying to test out a software?

Presonus, if you cannot fix the problem immediately, please respond.  There is nothing in the EUA that says we have to deal with this.

Presonus: sorry for the barrage, but Presonus, you must understand our frustration!

Question for users: is anyone experiencing problems and ONLY using Softube plugins?
+2 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by georgesyrmbos (1,490 points)
I've been using S1 since 2012 and never ever had it crash - until S1  5.
Now I'm experiencing at least one crash a day, more often when skype is open (win 10 pro, i5 9600K, asus tuf z390m, 32 gb ram, rtx 2060, NI Komplete Audio6). This happens mostly after closing one song and opening a new one.
+1 vote
answered Dec 10, 2020 by navjotsingh4 (1,620 points)
Dear preanus, instead of keep adding unnecessary bullshit focus on crashes , studio one 5 is ur worst edition and honestly i don't see any useful features in v5 upgrade. v4.5 was much better, only 1% users use perform etc and you installing that junk in 99% user's system who don't even use it.
+2 votes
answered Dec 11, 2020 by RToon (880 points)

Been there since 2010, never has Studio One crashed as often as it is now. 

V5 is buggy with ALL 3rd party plug ins and the users are being subjected to being the test pilots. Support only offered to back to back crockers asking never-ending try this, do that.  I don't mind troubleshooting, but I don't want to dedicate my life to doing their jobs and spending my time when I should be focused on being creative.  At least have a plan and response for what you are doing on the support side. 

+1 vote
answered Dec 11, 2020 by taylorvolleberg (170 points)
I just updated my Mac to Big Sur and threw on the Presence piano with no problems but as soon as I throw on Valhalla shimmer, it crashes. Do I need to go through and update ALL my plugins?
+2 votes
answered Dec 11, 2020 by fredericmunger (200 points)
Same here, one day it's fine and the day after it's slow or did not respond at all. Sometimes it's just in the menu, trying to start a new song, I'm not even in a song with multiple tracks and plugins...
+2 votes
answered Dec 12, 2020 by jonathanebreo (460 points)
Yes 5 has been very unstable for me and has caused issues with my workflow.  It's been very discouraging.  There are many issues now when using multiple displays that are extended.  The program will freeze or crash randomly when opening or switching out vsts.

The only work around so far has been to use a single display.  Very disappointing.  I may have to go to FL Studio if this keeps up.
+1 vote
answered Dec 22, 2020 by chrisfloudiotis (210 points)
Yes, particularly when I load Ampire Mesa style amp. It peaks out to 666, then there is no audible sound. Usually, I switch it out to another vendor plug-in or just use a real amp because the plug-in taxes my cpu.
+2 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by benjamingreen2 (800 points)
That's all I have. Freezing and crashing. I should have read these forums before my upgrade. Im passed. Songs and mastering projects taking me forever to get work done because ofbrestaring all day. I think I'm over Studio One now. This is not worth the money hassle.
+2 votes
answered Jan 2, 2021 by rickymilliner (1,710 points)
I have a crash to desktop every time on my Windows 10 Pro PC using Arturia Analog Lab 5 in Studio One 5. I've never ever had a crash before in Studio One 4. I hope PreSonus can fix this buggy mess soon. I felt like I wasted my money this time with this new upgrade.

My setup: AMD 3900X, MSI X570 Creation mobo, 64 gigs DDR4 Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB.
+2 votes
answered Jan 5, 2021 by bruceallen3 (190 points)

I have been relatively happy with S1 3 and 4 but I recently upgraded to 5 and had so many crashes I could not work.  After weeks of trying things I have come to learn that Waves plugins V11 and below are not compatible with S1.  Also, Melodyne 4 must be upgraded to 5.  I am not sure what other plugins are not compatible because though Presonus is aware of these issues they do no believe it is important to communicate this to us.  There should be a master compatibility list posted somewhere so we know what the requirements are and so we dont waste time.  I am so very disappointed in S1 V5 and how this was handled. Why do I need to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade other software when it could have been made backward compatible?
