Questions & Answers

Unlock forum to all users

+1 vote
asked Feb 6, 2021 in MyPreSonus Questions by anonyme2 (800 points)
What the title says. All users should be allowed to post on PreSonus forums.

4 Answers

–1 vote
answered Feb 6, 2021 by charlesgrassi (120 points)
Après un changement de carte mère et l'ancienne machine a été achetée et configurée par M. Bernard Seillet pour mon compte. Ce prestataire aujourd'hui décédé, je n'ai pas la possibilité d'enregistrer STUDIO ONE.
M. Seillet avait du enregistrer Studio one sous son compte mail .
  Dans l'attente d'un retour de votre part,
A vous lire,
Charles Grassi.
–1 vote
answered Feb 7, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
I don't know.  We get enough trolling as it is. The forum is for those who use Studio One products.

If someone has a real issue (like the one posted in French), they need to contact Presonus support.  We can't help them here.
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2021 by anonyme2 (800 points)
@tothrec : As everywhere, troll will only grow proportionally to number of users, not to number of users who have not bought PreSonus products. Restricting knowledge sharing and discussions does only impede PreSonus community. I've yet to see any competitor restricting such access (Ableton, Reaper, Steinberg, FL Studio, etc...) and am just wondering the true benefits PreSonus gets from this.
+2 votes
answered Mar 16, 2021 by bernardcorkery (180 points)
I've yet to see any competitor restricting such access (Ableton, Reaper, Steinberg, FL Studio, etc...) and am just wondering the true benefits PreSonus gets from this.