Questions & Answers

Hooking up my keyboard for a midi controller

0 votes
asked Feb 7, 2021 in Studio One 5 by josephdestefano3 (140 points)

To all whom these presents shall come Greetings, 

I recently installed Studio one on a new PC and am in the process of moving all my songs and files to the new pc. 

I am having some problems connecting my Casio CT-630 as a midi control it keeps saying device not connected. I am using the PreSonus Studio 1810 USB I also need to know what midi ports to plug the midi cable in. Currently I have it connected to the out on the 1810 and the on the in on keyboard. The keyboard has 3 midi ports one says in the other out the 3rd one says THRUE. I want to control the instruments in Studio one with the keyboard.  

I tried switching them the same things occurs re the MIDI ports on the keyboard and 1810 

I tried reconnecting the device its not working. Keeps saying device not connected. When I look at the list of receive from or send  and/or receive/send to I see the 1810 and nothing else in that list. ( see below screen shots) 

1 Answer

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answered Feb 10, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
The "receive from" and "send to" dropdowns should both to be set to the 1810. Make sure the OUT on the Casio is connected to the IN of the 1810 with a midi cable. Then the IN on the Casio connects to the OUT of the 1810, if you want midi to be sent to the keyboard. You would not use the THRU on the Casio.