Questions & Answers

StudioLive for Production

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asked Feb 26, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by dragosgrigorescu (170 points)
Thanks for the prompt answer. Just to clarify, I don't necessarily want to do the final mixdown in the computer. I fancy the idea of using the computer with StudioOne only to store and play the individual tracks, but route each individual  track digitally to a channel on  StudioLive (through the USB connection) and do the mixdown on the mixer, so I can take advantage of all knobs and effects, like with a classic mixing console. Is that possible?  It will also help me to understand what a sound engineer is supposed do AFTER he records a certain performance with this mixer. Is it advisable to continue to edit and mixdown  the individual tracks on the mixer, or take the individual tracks in a computer, shut down the mixer and do everything using the DAW?
related to an answer for: StudioLive 32S for Production