Questions & Answers

Set up for Church. Live Music and Livestream production

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asked May 19, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by rickmarzen (210 points)
Currently we have a Persons RM32 OG by our stage for Live performance and we are pulling a stereo Aux feed for post production audio.  This is sent into our camera recorder via 2 XLR cables via 15&16 outputs of the mixer.. It is hard to get a good recording mix because of being inside the auditorium and wearing headphones, besides that fact, I can't EQ the input channel from the production mix because it changes the FOH.

So, here is what I'm thinking.  let me know your thoughts.

Is there a way to set NSB stage boxes at the stage, run to AVB switch and connect a 32 channel mixer for FOH.

Then connect AVB from the switch to another mixer for recording Live stream.

Does this not work because you only can have one "main" mixer on the network?

My goal is to have full control of both mixes but only have one main input (stage boxes).

Ive tried calling Presonus about this install but have been on hold for an hour at a time for several days.

( maybe one of the sales team can reach out?)