Questions & Answers

FX Multiband Dynamics is missing. How do I get it back?

+2 votes
asked Mar 1, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ericwill (140 points)

Hello. I had been working on a song in Studio One a few months back. I recently fired up the PC to get back to it and I find that the FX: Multiband Dynamics is now missing?

During the time I was away I did not update or alter my installation of Studio One so I was surprised to see this FX module now spontaneously missing.

Is there a file I can download and replace to fix this?

Best Regards to all.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered May 14, 2021 by michalcerbak (140 points)
I have exactly the same issue. Multiband Dynamics is gone.
0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2021 by feez24 (140 points)
Is there any resolution to this question?  I’m experiencing the same issue.
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2022 by ericsoncarino (180 points)
guys do you have already answers? i have same problem =(
0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2022 by nnnownow (360 points)

A very good free Multiband dynamics processor + other great plugins.

I think I will be switching to reaper either way due to things like multiband comp being locked behind pro and despite purchasing several features of pro (like Ampire) I don't get a scalable discount which is a major disincentive for me to upgrade to S1pro.
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2022 by jooestiveira (250 points)
Hello!!! I’m using a Macbook M1, and yesterday i disable the Rosetta, and get the Multiband back…

I don’t know if anyone try this solution.

Best regards!