Questions & Answers

Can I run 2 audio interfaces at once on a mac?

0 votes
asked Mar 2, 2021 in Studio One 5 by gregfletcher1 (200 points)
Hi all,

I want to use Pipeline within SOV5 so that I can utilise some outboard gear. I have a UAD Arrow(Solo) which only has a L&R output, but I also have an IKMultimedia AXE I/O which has a further 4 outputs.

When I try to use both Audio Interfaces, it doesn’t work.

Currently, I select the UAD for my main interface and then within Pipeline, I select the correct inputs and outputs from the AXE that are plugged into my outboard gear, but alas, no luck.

Is it not possible to use both?

Any help greatly appreciated,



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 2, 2021 by jackchicago (1,840 points)
selected Mar 2, 2021 by gregfletcher1
Best answer
Hey Greg,

Yes. Go to Audio MIDI Setup and create an Aggregate Device, bringing the two interfaces into one Audio Device. Then, select that Aggregate Device as your Recording Device in S1 Preferences.

Good luck !

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2021 by gregfletcher1 (200 points)
Thank you very much Jack.

That’s brilliant. I’m so pleased, although it does now mean I’m slightly overcome with the new desire to buy lots more outbound gear, lol!

