Questions & Answers

How to set up AudioBox iTwo Studio with StudioOne 5?

+1 vote
asked Mar 5, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by andreawiedemer1 (130 points)

I bought the AudioBox iTwo Studio and installed Studio One and Universal Control. Now I'm trying to integrate my AudioBox in Studio One 5. I connected a mikrophon with the AudioBox, and I connected the AudioBox with my computer (Windows), but only the microphone of my computer records the sound. I already searched for help in the "AudioBox iOne and iTwo Owner's Manual", and it says that I have to download the AudioBox Setup. Unforteunatly, I can't find it on the MyPresonus website, I just find some release notes and Plug-Ins to install. I'd be very glad if someone could help me with this problem so I can finally use my AudioBox.

Thanks a lot
