Questions & Answers

How do I setup 'Studio One 4 Artist' for simple podcast using Audiobox iTwo ?

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asked Jan 1, 2020 in Studio One 4 by robertgosswiller (120 points)
I'm using a Lenovo T530 w/Windows 10. AudioBox iTwo and Studio One Artist

I just received unit and downloaded latest version of SW.

First - This app is FAR more complex than I need for recording a simple podcast but it comes with the hardware (it looks great and I may try other things, but a simple podcast is all I bought the AudioBox for). I've gone through the manual a couple times and can't seem to figure out setup...

All I want to do (for now) is a single Microphone (PreSonus M7) input to record a monolog. I can see that the mic is working because I see the input bars when I talk, but I hear nothing in the headphones (vol at ~1/2). Input level is about 50% (testing). What I need is a simple step by step procedure to start a podcast track, record it, be able to hear what I'm recording (ie monitor in broadcast system), save it (mp3), and play it back (I see the record "button" but no playback)...

I'm a newbie to audio apps but not to computers (I did try it in Audacity and it does record. I still can't hear it in the headphones, but when I play it back, I hear what was recorded). I do hear the tutorials in the headphones so I believe that interface is functioning. (I'm heading back to the tutorials to see if I can glean anything I may have missed)

Sorry to be a pain, but I've been pulling my hair out for 3 days and have "given up" so I'm asking for assistance.

Thanks a million for any help you can provide -- totally appreciated!

