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MIDI keyboard Rewind and Forward buttons don't stop when released

+1 vote
asked Mar 7, 2021 in Studio One 5 by randscullard (200 points)
My MIDI keyboard has the usual set of transport buttons. I have mapped them all to Studio One's transport controls, and they are all working fine except for Rewind and Forward. When I press either of these buttons on my MIDI keyboard, the playhead starts zooming in the selected direction and just keeps going until I hit the Stop button. When I use the QWERTY keys mapped to Rewind and Forward, the playhead only moves as long as I hold down the mapped key, which is a behavior that makes a lot more sense!

I used MIDI-OX to see the CC messages being sent by my keyboard's transport buttons, and they are all working consistently as momentary buttons - the Rewind/Forward buttons are not working any differently. I tried the different settings in Studio One's MIDI Learn mode (on/off, press/release) and they make no difference.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug in Studio One?