Questions & Answers

Eris 4.5 BT doesn’t send signal to Eris Sub 8 (when playing through Bluetooth)

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asked Mar 19, 2021 in MyPreSonus Questions by (120 points)

My PreSonus Eris 4.5 BT speakers connected through Bluetooth (when music is playing) doesn't send a signal to my PreSonus Eris sub 8 to play bass.
When connected through AUX and TRS it works ok. Only when Bluetooth is playing, there's no bass in sub. I want to be able to play music from my phone on the BT speakers and receive the bass from the sub.


1 Answer

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answered Jun 7, 2021 by ericbyers (380 points)
There is no way to do so.  On the back of the speakers there is ONLY an input so there is no way to get the bluetooth signal to the sub.  You have to route the audio signal to the sub first, then out to the input on the back of the powered speaker.  Sadly, there is no way to defeat the headphone mute otherwise you could take signal from the headphone jack and cut it into the inputs into the sub using a splitter - which is what I am doing in order to use other sources.  

With that said, Presonus has a product called a Microstation BT 2.1.  It will allow you to connect to it with Blue tooth and an Aux then use the sub out to the sub.  However, this makes the sub partially useless as you no longer can use the subs' high pass filter and without that it's just another sub.  Also, there is no USB input for the Microstation BT so it's really only a partial solution.  You have to remember, these guys are focused on studio monitors - not us retail oriented users who just want good sound.  They get so close on the feature set - like the 3.5 BT's, which obviously need added bass, yet provide no way to use the BT with a subwoofer.  They'll get there someday.