Questions & Answers

How can I duplicate audio events without shared automation in 5.2?

+1 vote
asked Mar 20, 2021 in Studio One 4 by KadeJones (740 points)
It seems that you can no longer duplicate an event without it being a "shared duplicate" in Studio One 5.2.

Before, there was the option to either 'duplicate' or to 'duplicate shared'. Now, there is just a 'duplicate' option which is automatically shared so that I have to now bounce the event in order to give them separate automations/effects.

Is there a simpler way of making a separate duplicate/duplicate shared event like there was before... or can we get the two options back please?

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2021 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
Same problem here, I want to shift audio clips around without shifting the whole automation. It's really frustrating man