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Why does Studio one 5 export mixdown always freeze ?

+10 votes
asked Mar 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by johnnewman4 (720 points)
i had no problem exporting mixdowns in V4

now in v5 in every song i always get freezes, so i basicaly i need to move the export window with my mouse during the process for it to continue...and it often results in a bug in the sound or something not playing right at that particular moment.

Anybody know how to fix this ?

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 6, 2021 by serhiipavliuchenko (180 points)
same. I'm getting this only on 5.2. on 5.1 everything was okay
0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2021 by petrchernienko (350 points)
Same here! Freeze at the begging of export!
+1 vote
answered Jul 1, 2021 by williammountney (390 points)
This problem has actually been happening since at least V3, which was the first version I owned.  However, it does seem to have gotten worse or more frequent with V5.  Moving the export window around does generally work around the problem.  What I've found is that you don't need to move it around the whole time.  When the export freezes it seems to always happen at around the same time on a given track.  So if it freezes at 1:30 through a 4:00 minute song, you just have to move the box once every 1:20 or so to keep it from freezing.  It's as if you are resetting the 1:30 countdown timer each time you move it.  But, again, the specific time will vary depending on the song, so you need to look at where it freezes to know what your time limit is.

It's totally bizarre, and even more bizarre that they haven't fixed it through at least 2 major version upgrades, and numerous minor updates.  Since we know that moving the export window around bypasses the problem, I would think they could just fix the problem by having the export window move around by itself. That would be a little ridiculous, but no more ridiculous than the problem itself or how long it has persisted.
+1 vote
answered Aug 17, 2021 by Ben hillier (230 points)
I've also noticed that any automation will also freeze at this point. So annoying, it is studio ones biggest downfall.
+1 vote
answered Oct 25, 2021 by petrchernienko (350 points)
It freezes at every beginning of an export. It's so annoying!