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S1 Ver. 5.2 Instrument Track Inspector Change

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asked Mar 24, 2021 in Studio One 5 by johnlauterjung (320 points)
edited Mar 26, 2021 by johnlauterjung
The Instrument Track Inspector "Program" field changed in V. 5.2 and will no longer accept the bank info in the same format as V 5.0. I'm using a Motif Rack and after much research and trial and error I had things running smoothly in 5.0. The new version won't accept the same data and I can't find any help through Presonus. I have submitted a ticket but wondered if anyone else had experienced and/or solved this problem.

Update 3/26/21 - Presonus' response was to send me a text file of Motif voice data, which would have been helpful except the Program numbers were all off by a factor of 1. This meant I had to migrate the data into Excel and write formulas to increase hundreds of program numbers to make the data useable. I never did get an answer to my question as to why this "improvement" was made with out even mentioning it in the "what's new" in version changes.