Questions & Answers

Studio One safety page

+2 votes
asked Mar 27, 2021 in Studio One 5 by cameronspringfield (220 points)
When I start up Studio One 5 Pro from time to time, I'm greeted with a page titled "Studio One Safety." It reports a problem with a directory that I don't utilize while using S1. It gives me an option of booting normally or booting with different features disabled. I choose to start normally, and haven't had any issues. But I'm wondering what is causing this to happen. Is it an error on my end? Or is there something going on with S1?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2021 by colinotoole (16,890 points)


This video may or may not help you with your issues:

New Safety Options in Studio One - No More Crashes?! - YouTube

0 votes
answered May 4, 2021 by syn absence (270 points)
I have the same issue. I wonder if it's a feature I can disable. Kinda annoying to start up studio one, switch windows while it starts up and then later find out it never started up cause of this safety page.