Questions & Answers

Handwriting recognition manual render button

+4 votes
asked Apr 3, 2021 in Notion iOS Feature Requests by humphrycearwicker (590 points)
edited Apr 3, 2021 by humphrycearwicker

I think a mode whereby you have to manually tap to render the handwriting. It'd be better to be able figure out the (esp. complicated) notation as you write but currently some situations demand you having prefigured the notational solution of a bar so as to execute fluently in order for handwriting to be correctly interpreted. So rather than just increasing interpretation time, which would slow down the whole task, I think an option to manually trigger the interpretation is the solution. How about 'pause automatic interpretation'? Thanks

also, recognition could be happening in background - just not inferring your final intention until triggered

UPDATE: I've discovered a workaround by not breaking physical contact with screen (e.g. lifting apple pencil) while deciding on how to complete the writing of a notational element thus not triggering the recognition i.e. you can pause mid handwriting of an element. 

Still be good to have a button or like staffpad, tapping outside of bar to trigger recogntion

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 24, 2021 by waynerose1 (3,800 points)
Right, don't lift the stylus. Excellent thinking. Thanks. I support your request though. I like the tapping outside the staff solution.