Questions & Answers

Please make the Handwriting space larger

+51 votes
asked Dec 22, 2015 in Notion iOS Feature Requests by jaimehartwick (300 points)
The handwriting feature is working great so far. Some bugs on occasion, but it's really fantastic. Please make the visible room where the handwriting is done larger - preferably a window that can be dragged up and down, made taller or shorter, but at the very least large enough to visualize an entire grand staff when in the handwriting section.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Thanks for the great suggestion Jaime, with the iPad Pro just hitting the market, we're taking a look at how to take advantage of the extra screen real estate to improve Notion for iOS.

If anyone else supports Jaime's suggestion, please vote it up.

The developers actively monitor the feature request threads here.
+5 votes
answered Dec 30, 2015 by Funkybot (21,640 points)
Or alternately, get rid of the handwriting section entirely and let me zoom in the main window and draw accordingly. But yes, however it's implemented, a bigger handwriting area would be great.
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2016 by davidlewis6 (330 points)
This is not 100% directly related I admit but close enough, if the handwriting has to happen in the handwriting section, I don't see how to move backwards and forwards in bars directly from the handwriting section, I have to go up into the score to select the bar. If I'm writing out a long melody line, it is annoying. Making the area larger might help but alternatively an option to move forwards/backwards bars from that handwriting section could help.

Otherwise as the other comment says, allow a direct edit into the score.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2016 by GTBannah (580 points)

**If I'm writing out a long melody line, it is annoying. Making the area larger might help but alternatively an option to move forwards/backwards bars from that handwriting section could help.**

*responding to davidlewis6*

A two-finger swipe to the left or right takes care of that.

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2017 by axelschoettler1 (330 points)
I don't use the handwriting section at all and would really like better writing directly to the main screen with the active pen on Windows Surface devices. Now the eraser of the pen only brings funny lines to the paper, and inserting notes or changes with the pen works very poor. I use to write anything in StaffPad and then export it to Notion for some reasons, i.e. for the better sounds of classical guitar there, tablatures and more. Handwriting on touchscreen devices  will be a great feature and have an emerging market in future, I think.