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Since Updating Windows 10 Pro-64 -> 20H2 , S1 slows dramatily down, especially on "save"

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asked Apr 3, 2021 in Studio One 5 by christianschmidt7 (670 points)
Guten Tag, und frohe Ostern -
Hi there and happy Easter to all
Since Updating Windows 10 Pro-64 -> 20H2  ,  S1 slows down, especially on "save" song.
Save presets in VST instruments take longer but not that long as saving changes on S1
Also some interchange things like swap instruments or open folders take noticeably longer time.
Does someon else notice such things ?

I also updatet Asus Tweak to V2.1.3.2. I do also a lot of Renderjobs and Video with this machine, so i had tu update
windows.Othererwise i wouldnt...Its a 12cor i7 Machine with 64gb Ram.
"don't get confused, stay yourself"