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Ripple Edit for single and all tracks (like in Reaper)

+31 votes
asked Apr 4, 2021 in Editing by jeroenwolff (450 points)
edited Apr 4, 2021 by jeroenwolff

Working with podcasts and meditations I really like ripple editing. To add extra space or delete pieces and keep all tracks in sync.

Coming from Reaper I mis the prefect ripple edit solution like Reaper does in Studio One 5. I really like StudioOne5 more for al the other features, but mis this 'real' ripple editing. Now one track the ripple edit feature works a bit, but to create a great gap (move the event to the right) it is difficult, because the moved event is landing behind a event that should have been moved to the right also.

And to do this with multiple tracks a the same time to keep them in sync is more pain, create a group, enable the group, or disable when I don't want it at that moment.

I would be nice to have 2 ripple edit modes. 1 track and all tracks and works like Reaper


4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 10, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Oct 26, 2022 by georgyj (170 points)
I do a lot of Radio features and Studio One is pain in the *** for that. No time overviews and no ripple edit on all tracks. Absolute show stopper. Love it for music.
+1 vote
answered Dec 5, 2022 by jeffreyschmitt (1,850 points)
I found where Gregor explains how to ripple edit across all tracks using the Arranger track in this video.

I'm typically deleting sections, which he didn't show (doing a substitution instead), but it's not difficult:

1) Draw the range to delete in the Arranger track

2) Right click and select Delete Range

Since I only expect to have at most 4 tracks that need to be edited for a podcast, I'll probably just use the range tool.

It would still be nice to be able to slip edit across several tracks.
+1 vote
answered Jul 16, 2024 by ojtfizmv (210 points)
I am in the exact same boat as @jeroeneolff here.

I also make a lot of podcasts and radio features and find myself editing large chunks in Reaper and then exporting to Studio One and going back and forth between the two DAWs. I like the idea of using Studio One for all of my long-format audio work. However, that particular function is fundamental to my audio editing workflow. Reaper is my go-to for most things despite most of the other functions not matching the standards of Studio One.

After reading this initial post made in 2021, I would've thought PreSonus would've addressed this in a Studio One update at some point over the last three years. It's a shame they haven't; as for me (and I am sure for many others), adding all-track ripple editing would make Studio One the 'perfect' DAW.

Is such an addition even being considered by PreSonus?