Questions & Answers

How do I play MIDI Guitar 2 using LoopMIDI with Studio One Prime ?

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asked Apr 11, 2021 in Studio One 5 by kevinpurcell2 (120 points)
I am trying to use the software program MIDI Guitar 2 by JamOrigen with Studio One Prime. I have read on JamOrigen's blog that MIDI Guitar 2 can interface with Studio One Prime if I use a patch called LoopMIDI (for my Windows computer). I have designated MIDI Guitar 2 as an "External Instrument" in Studio One Prime and its output as "LoopMIDI". I can see MIDI Guitar 2 as a Instrument in my Studio One browser and can drag it as an Instrument to make it a track. A console image pops up when I do this, but I can't get MIDI Guitar 2 to play. Can someone help me? Thanks