Questions & Answers

Presonus ATOM knobs is unusable

+24 votes
asked Apr 13, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by deniskkkkkk (290 points)
edited Apr 13, 2021 by deniskkkkkk
Hello, I'm asking to add as feature/possibility to gain control over Presonus ATOM's knobs:

- editable sensitivity value

- acceleration on/off switch

Because as for now it's impossible to use these knobs since it has acceleration and I can't get any close needed precision level with that (some patches before it was just slow and I had to turn knob ~4 times 360 to change controlled parameter 1..127, and with the last update it got semi-fix with acceleration, but it goes even worse now).

I'm comparing it with driving a car - imagine steering wheel will have an acceleration.. You will crash within the next turn.

6 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 7, 2021 by claudiosichel (180 points)
I've  the same problem.  Did you solve It?
+1 vote
answered May 7, 2021 by deniskkkkkk (290 points)
Not yet, I'm using another midi controller that fits my needs (which has wonderfull mechanics limitless knobs) while ATOM devs slacking (or trying reinvent the wheel).
+1 vote
answered Apr 1, 2023 by henrymarks (170 points)
I just started using mine and this immediately stood out as something that obviously needs to change. Add my name to the list (that would be longer if people didn't have more important things to spend an hour on...)
0 votes
answered May 11, 2023 by stefanodalessio (150 points)
Same problem here, I just got my atom sq, I use it with Live 11 and as soon as I turned the first knob I was negatively surprised of how absurdly slow it changed the parameter. Also I find it funny that there is no screen indicator of anything giving visual feedback on the position of the knob, especially when just below there is a nice led strip. When turning a knob the leds dedicated to the touch strip could be momentarily borrowed to show the parameter value you are changing with the encoder.
+1 vote
answered Aug 19, 2023 by len303 (210 points)
Emu had acceleration on data knob down "Bourns encoders" back in the mid 1990s on their racks , works perfect.  But on the Atom its not quite there , it needs to be improved a little , or give the user the choice of sensitivity .  3 levels for increasing sens , should be enough.

+1 vote
answered Feb 4, 2024 by adams_a (240 points)
I just returned my Atom SQ because the knobs were useless without basic customization options.