Questions & Answers

Can I RECORD vocal/aux/ instrument tracks during LIVE STREAM from Show Page?

+10 votes
asked Apr 16, 2021 in Studio One 5 by joscarbittinger (410 points)

I am using S1 Show Page to route/mix AUDIO during live stream to Facebook (more - YouTube, Bandcamp, Twitch, etc - in  the future). 

Players, tracks and patches work great! With 5.2 and the arrangement track I see you can change patches per section - brilliant!

Now I want to RECORD the AUX players (vocals, guitars, MIDI key parts) TO REMIX FULL FIDELITY AUDIO with streamed performances. Can I RECORD LIVE PERFORMED AUX CHANNELS in current state?

If not, can it be added to future state?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2023 by mariotru (230 points)
@joscarbittinger not yet, so please vote for it: