Questions & Answers

Pipeline XT compatibility with Dante outputs?

+1 vote
asked Apr 17, 2021 in Studio One 5 by slamecka (130 points)
Here's an interesting one...

I'm routing all my Studio One I/O via Dante using Audinate's DVS (Dante Virtual Soundcard) as my soundcard.  Their ASIO driver works fine with Studio One 5 and I can see all 32 inputs and outputs in Studio One's I/O setup page.  No problems whatsoever receiving / recording audio via Dante or sending Studio One's Main output (master bus) over Dante to a Yamaha TIO-1608 Dante stage box I use for monitoring.

However, when I try to use Pipeline XT to route audio over available Dante outputs, thedropbox for selecting an output only shows 'Audio I/O Setup' which directs me to Studio One's I/O setup page.  I have an output configured to use for Pipeline XT however if never shows any of my outputs. Interestingly, the audio return input does see all my Dante inputs and I can select the appropriate one.

Is there some reason why S1 won't show the Dante outputs?  I would think it would at least show them since they use an ASIO driver,

Hoping someone from Presonus knows the answer!