Questions & Answers

Say it isn't so! Did PreSonus drop Dante compatibility?

+3 votes
asked Jun 16, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by matthewlennartz (180 points)

Yesterday, was very close to purchasing the StudioLive 224.2.4 when a rep from ZZounds indicated it has been replaced by the StudioLive 24 Digital Mixer, 24-Channel board.  No problem, I thought.  As a check, I pursued the features of the new board only to find (or not find) Dante compatibility.  Please confirm that both of the statements above are true.  Also, if a decision was made not to move forward with Dante, could you please apprise us as to the rationale behind such a move?

Thanks so much!  Matthew

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
Dante was not included on the Series 3 platform.

All Audio over Ethernet is done using AVB only.

Dante is designed by a 3rd party developer. This requires expensive licenses to develop the hardware, and software. The costs of such systems are ultimately passed off to the customer, unfortunately, raising the costs of the products. The cost of support for such products is also higher, with the inconvenience of the customer having to contact two companies for support instead of one in most situations.

AVB is simply the best choice for our products moving forward. AES67 will see interoperable products in the future, which will help bridge the gap.