Questions & Answers

WHY station 24c selects every 8 channels only, cant select channels between 2 to7 OR 9 to 15 and so on?

+1 vote
asked Apr 26, 2021 in ioStation24c by edgarceballos1 (130 points)
Hello I just purchased a ioStation24c, I installed correctly and am able to use with CUBASE 11, however, I can only select Audio Tracks and not only that but it only selects Track 1 OR 8 OR 16 or 24, I'm NOT able to select any of the tracks in between.

I had also tried on REAPER DAW, and the it is the same exact problem, Track selections only apply to TRACK 1, 8 , 16 ,24

Please let me know whats there to do to fix or I have to RETURN this UNIT, BTW, I don't want to register this unit yet cause I don't want to register and then RETURN if not working as expected

thanks you