Questions & Answers

Why does the RTZ function not work in Logic Pro?

+1 vote
asked Apr 28, 2021 in FaderPort 2018 by matthewcolleran (130 points)
I am using LogicPro-X v10.6.2 on a 2019 MacBook Pro 16" Big Sur v11.2.3, and I have the FaderPort 8 set to MCU control mode for use with the aforementioned DAW. It recognizes the Session, follows it etc. The Transport keys on the FaderPort all seem to work, except for the double keystroke of '<< >>' to Return To Zero. Any ideas?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2023 by peternelsonsaratoga (140 points)

I have the same issue.

  • I've removed the preference file - as per PreSonus tech support
  • I've updated the firmware
  • I've restarted the FaderPort with Next held and then selected MUTE for Logic Pro
  • I've closed and restarted Logic
  • I've rebooted my Mac Mini
My bigger issue is that the Play/Pause button only plays - doesn't pause. Additionally, unless you've clicked somewhere along the line to start other than at the first measure, it always starts from the beginning. UGH>>>>>