Questions & Answers

[FR] Correct start position (measure) of exported midi event

+2 votes
asked Apr 29, 2021 in MIDI Editing by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

When you export a VSTi event to MIDI, S1 sets its start measure to 0001.01.01.00.

In my case my event starts at 0005.01.01.00, but S1 ignores this.

In such situations I always have to:

- create an empty event at 0001.01.01.00 (inside of my VSTi track)

- create a dummy note at 0001.01.01.00

- group the event/note with my actual event (which starts at measure 5)

- export the grouped events and remove the dummy note afterwards

It's annoying - please let S1 export events with the correct start position.

Thank you and best regards

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 29, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,320 points)
Best answer
I can't reproduce this. How do you export your MIDI file? Do you use the File -> Save as -> MIDI file method?
+1 vote
answered Apr 30, 2021 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)
Hi and thanks for your reply.

I use the Event -> Export event function.
The main problem is that S1 sets Midi Channel 1 to all tracks.

For this reason I export all tracks' events and set their midi channel by using a third party tool.

If it was able to set the Channels inside of S1, I would just save the file as .mid
