S1 is forcing me to choose the note B in Piano View, when actually in the key of Eb minor , B is supposed to be called a Cb.
However , in the Score View , the note that is spelled "B" in Piano View is correctly showing up as a Cb note on the staff !
It appears there are no enharmonic equivalents for B (Cb) or E (Fb), among others, and including double-flats and double-sharps, in Studio One.
I have my Key Signature set to Ebm. This brings up another point:
This negatively impacts the accuracy of chord naming and spelling in the Chord Track. In fact, the chord options in the Chord Selector should also carry the option of enharmonic equivalents in Root and Bass note options, and in the Chord Wheel.
The graph on the right should be fully implemented in Studio One's Piano View, Key Signatures, and Chord language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_fifths
Here is the bottom of the Key Signature selector wheel in Studio One:

It is less than 33.33% accurate , in terms of music theory . It's almost a third correct , b/c it allows for enharmonic keys Ebm/D#m and Gb/F# ; but still spells the scales with the wrong notes . The other two , Db/Bbm and B/G#m are also supposed to have enharmonic key options , namely and respectively C#/A#m and Cb/Abm , and of course with correct scale spellings !
Here is some solid reference to ENHARMONIC EQUIVALENT SCALES/TONES:
A simple answer is always that Major scales and Natural Minor scales need to have 7 unique letter-named notes, that is A B C D E F G . There cannot be two B's of any kind , etc. So in the key of Eb Natural Minor in Studio One's Piano View , it spells the scale thus : Eb F Gb Ab Bb B* Db .. that is incorrect , since there are two B letter-notes . Instead, it should be Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb Db - 6 flats , which is perfectly diatonically and enharmonically correct for the natural minor key of Eb minor and relative major Gb major.
The same defected spelling occurs in D# minor and F# major. But again, it's not just the key signatures; so please correct the Chord Track / Chord Selector options also, as they go hand in hand!
How about giving us the keys and allowing us unlimited and custom note and chord spelling choices? Why can't I make a B into a Cb in the Piano View? Why can't I select a Cb as the Root of Cb Major Triad (it is indeed, Cb Eb Gb). Please consider this, as it's exteremly important when composing and arranging for other players, for transposing instruments, and when the Piano View and Score View differ, it's greatly confusing for the composer/conductor!
Thank you so much !