Questions & Answers

Korg T2 program change

+1 vote
asked Apr 30, 2021 in Studio One 4 by janwigger (170 points)
I picked up a used Korg T2 and brought it back to life. I connected it trough my audiobox usb and I am able to record and playback

midi. When I tried multitrack record one of the demo tracks from the internal sequenzer it looked fine, but when I played back

over the T2 the programchanges were wrong. How can I fix this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2021 by janwigger (170 points)
I found out something. Studio one sends programchange 0-127, wich will be recognized from T2 as programms 0-99 ( over 100 will subtract 99, so 127 will be 27) But I have two banks A and B. If I playback I can send program change from A00 to A99, but cannot change the bank. When I change Bank on T2 before playback it changes from B00 to B99. But how can I change Bank while Playback?

Any Ideas?