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Stereo Channels ala ********* Wing

+14 votes
asked May 10, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by ard-janbarnas1 (490 points)
The ********* Wing has 48 channels that can be configured as Mono or Stereo. In stereo mode, it uses a single fader for L/R.  This is great for keyboards, synthesizer, or other stereo sources. With any other mixer, you would need 96 channels to get the same functionality.

Would be really nice to see PreSonus implement something similar. It might even be a simple firmware update.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
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0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2021 by juergenboehme (1,430 points)
Well, even if you would need only half of the amount of faders on single-fader stereo channels, you still would need the original amount of input connectors.

You can already reach this functionality for a certain amount of channels by the use of DCA groups. Put channel 1 and 2 on DCA 1, channel 3 and 4 on DCA 2 and so on. After this the single DCA fader of a group controls the level of all assigned channels. In a DCA group you can select "traditional" and "non-traditional" mode. In traditional mode the fader buttons remain in place, so this represents the balance of the channels. In "non-traditional"-mode the channel faders are also moving accordingly when you move the DCA fader.

DCA is somehow like a subgroup but it has no own channel processing. Instead it controls the fader position of the assigned channel faders. This means that also the post-fader-effects on each connected channel get adjusted instead only the direct signal as a subgroup would do.

Afterwards you can place the DCA group faders on the user layer to have them all together and control stereo channels with a set of single faders.
0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2022 by ard-janbarnas (150 points)
I used to have the Wing mixer and despite the other person's answer, it makes total sense to control a linked stereo channel to a single fader.  No matter what you can do with DCAs or the number of physical inputs...  if you have analog inputs and a number of stereo channels coming from a DAW or addition inputs from a stagebox, you quickly run out of faders.  

You can link the 2 channels in the mixer's software to stereo and moving one fader moves the other one automatically. Why not just the ability to assign to a single fader.  In my option, ********* was brilliant in allowing this feature.