Questions & Answers

VST Plugins Scan, I'M TIRED!

0 votes
asked May 10, 2021 in Studio One 5 by josemiguelmorenobonilla (330 points)

Hi friends
I don't understand why Studio One 4 and 5 always have the same problem in Windows.
I cannot scan the installed plugins.
I have done a thousand things that I have read on many websites, forums etc.
and I always have these same problems, I'm very tired of having to put up with these problems for a program that cost me € 400
I have formatted many times and sometimes it scans the plugins and sometimes it doesn't.
I do not understand how Presonus has not put a solution to this problem!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2021 by tothrec (32,330 points)
I use Studio One on Windows with a ton of plug-ins from various manufacturers.

What exactly is the issue you are seeing?
0 votes
answered May 11, 2021 by josemiguelmorenobonilla (330 points)
hello, the problem is that it does not scan or search for the plugins on my computer, in MAC I have no problems, but it is always in Windows.
the plugin scanner freezes and does not advance, it is not the first time that has happened to me on a Windows computer.
I have deactivated the firewalls also the antivirus and a thousand other options.
It is the only DAW that gives me these problems, with Cubase or Ableton I don't have this problem