Questions & Answers

I need a longer wire for my recently purchased Eris E3.5 speakers. What should I replace it with? Gauge? Specs?

+1 vote
asked May 10, 2021 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by juliawoodman (130 points)
I need a longer wire for my recently purchased Eris E3.5 speakers. What should I replace it with? Gauge? Specs?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2023 by craigmadrin (140 points)
Yes, I also need a longer speaker wire.  Where can I get that?  Amazon?  I tried Best Buy and Guitar Center.  The lattter didn't have it at all and all BB had was 30+ feet.  I don't need quite that much.  Just a foot or two longer will do...10' max maybe.  What gauge should I be looking for?  Any other specs I need to know besides just "black/red speaker wire"?  Thanks!