Questions & Answers

After Big Sur upgrade my song files won't open. I have Studio One

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asked May 26, 2021 in Studio One 5 by bclark (120 points)
After reading that Big Sur was now ok for Studio One 5.2 I upgraded to Big Sur.  Now my songs on Studio one will not open.  I get a message saying the file can't be found and do I want to remove it form the list.  How do I fix this?  I don't want to loose weeks of work.  Help

1 Answer

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answered May 26, 2021 by normanriley (5,570 points)
It may be because your songs were moved to some other location.  Click on your song to "get info," note where the song is located, then go to the finder and move all your songs from their present location to the songs folder under S1.  You should be okay after that.