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Add a volume knob to FAT Channel EQs

+3 votes
asked May 28, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by florianziegler (540 points)

After using an EQ I like to adjust the overall volume. This allows me to A/B test both versions, before and after EQ, without getting irritated by different volume levels. Unfortunately the EQs of the FAT Channel don't have a volume knob, except for SOLAR 69. I would love to have a volume knob for every FAT Channel EQ (without spoiling the UI of course). For some EQs you can simply remove the (redundant) on/off knob. Here is an example with "ON/OFF" replaced by "LEVEL ADJUST":

Most problematic would be the Standard EQ and Baxandall EQ. I have no solution for those but maybe the skilled UI designers of PreSonus can find a solution. :)
