Questions & Answers

unable to Activate

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asked May 31, 2021 in Notion by zenglingxi (120 points)
So I bought notion 6 a long time ago and then I installed it on the same PC, but then I forgot the computer's password, so I erased it and then installed it again and then I have used 2 activations, and also I have bad memory and forgot it again, so I erased my PC without installing notion 6. But later on I decided to install it on my moms computer so that on weekends I can go back home and then compose music. but then my mom's computer crashed so I reinstalled windows 10 pro which made the activation code go to 3/5 activations. after some time I turned 6th grade where I have to get a new macbook pro, so I did and I bought a new mac and thought of installing Notion 6 into my new macbook and there was 4/5 activations, and I did and after some while I was trying to install windows on my macbook and I also installed notion 6 on windows that was on my macbook and then later I delete the partition of NTFS windows and I have used 5/5 activations. After that I was discovering about VMware and Virtual machines so I decided to ditch the newest version of macos and go back to catalina so I erased my Macbook. Today to finish my music homework, I didn't chose FL studio to compose my melody because it was too trash (no offense, people who use FL Studio?) so I downloaded and then saw that there was 5/5 actiavtions but I still havn't got Notion 6 installed in any of my computers so I couldn't use it. is there a way that a person can reset the use of my account please thanks!

1 Answer

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answered May 31, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
Yes there is a way for someone to clear your activations. You need to go into your Presonus Account > Support > and Create a Ticket, and ask them to do it for you.