Questions & Answers

WTF isnt Roland setup as a external interface! why are the Devs lazy for studio one 5

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asked Jun 4, 2021 in Studio One 5 by colindixon2 (120 points)
Roland make some of the best gear on the market but studio one devs fail to be able to add mappings for external devices, there is a lot of lazy going on at this company! The support is really lazy to, wtf is going on PreSonus, pull your finger out! its not just Roland device ether, LAZY! I have Roland HDP-20 no support or mappings crazy, there isnt even a Roland section for anything. LAZY

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2021 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
Hi there.  If you are using a Roland interface, make sure you use the Roland drivers which should be asio compliant.  Roland kind of invented midi.  This means they adhere quite strictly to the midi specification.  As for external devices - which ones?  I have two Roland drum modules and both work fine, with little to no set up.  As for a Roland keyboard, again, mine was added with little fan fare.  My keyboard is effectively two devices - one being the main keyboard, the second being fader and rotary controls with a set of drum pads.  On my Roland A-800 Pro both devices are mapped giving me total control over Presence, Mai Tai, etc.  Studio One has a very powerful "set once" midi mapping for control surfaces with both global AND instrument focused settings.  By which I mean, you can map the keyboard functions in one song and then everytime you open a track and use that keyboard, your mapping is remembered.  
0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2022 by stevencwoznicki (300 points)
Did you ever get your I7 working with Studio One? I’m having the same problem