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Setup Help Needed - Roland MX-1, Roland TR-8S. Connecting and setup for Studio One

+1 vote
asked Jun 17, 2020 in Studio One 4 by sethwells2 (210 points)
I have searched high and low and it seems that unless I'm on Ableton there is no info on connecting an MX-1, and a TR-8S to Studio One. I also have a ********* X1222USB mixer. Can anyone help me with setup and configuration, or point me in the right direction?

I'd like to use the MX-1 as a control surface and the TR-8S drums in Studio One.

Thank you in advance for your help.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2020 by marcellodisante (1,130 points)
I'd like to know it,too ... I wal planning to purchase a Roland MX-1 for live purposes ... My aim was using Ableton Live on stage BUT considering the new features of S1 PRO, i think that its brand new "show page" function will continuously developed and improved, i'll probably update My S1 4.6 to 5 ... using it on stage would be great and i'd like to get some advices about setting S1 with Roland MX-1 but it seems that no one had this kind of experience ...