Questions & Answers

What is your outboard latency?

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asked Jun 8, 2021 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by markrousell (150 points)

Hi all,

Just wondering what a 'general' latency introduced by hardware is?

Currently, each piece of hardware I use introduces approx. 95 ms (2-3 samples offset according to Pipeline) on each instance of Pipeline XT.

I must be doing something wrong here? Imagine having 5 or 6 separate units in a hybrid set up (not crazy) introducing up to 570 ms of latency to the session. These are not processor heavy plugins - they are outboard analogue units -  D/A to A/D conversion in theory at the speed of light? 

I mostly mix sessions, very little tracking, so I use a buffer size of 2048 samples for most projects. However, lower buffer sizes seem to do nothing to the latency anyway, so I'm not gaining anything by using a lower buffer size.

I have 16GB of Ram. Pipeline XT introduces more latency than any other instance of plugin I own, and I own some rather hungry plugins!

I've 2 outboard units on the mix bus (a subgroup I have created that feeds the master fader).

1) Louder Than Lift Off Silver Bullet

2) TK Audio BC1-THD stereo compressor

Both connected to Studio One 5 via a RME Fireface 802. I've not daisy-chained the units for the signal flow, each unit has it's own I/O in case I want to easily use them on other channel. A round trip of 95 ms for each unit seems crazy. 

Anyone else have outboard connected? 

What's your pipeline XT latency?
