Questions & Answers

Error re-activating sphere

0 votes
asked Jun 25, 2021 in Studio One+ by randyhicks (120 points)
For some reason my Sphere deactivated and now I can't reactivate it. When I click the join now button nothing happens. When I try to activate my version of Studio 1 5 it says the user does not have a subscription product to activate. I would appreciate it if you could help with this as soon as possible because I can't open Studio One. Thanks

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2022 by manki (180 points)
I have the exact same problem. Does anybody have a sollution?
0 votes
answered Mar 6 by lokass (360 points)
I'm in the same situation except that my subscription has stopped!!!! Have you had any feedback?

I find it really desolate I'm blocked too and I can't even re-subscribe and no return from their **** support!!!!

I'm getting really annoyed and I'm thinking of going back to cubase just for that, or even getting a cracked version of the software!

Support is incapable of solving a simple problem!