Questions & Answers

Presonus Sphere activation after Studio One 5 Purchase

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asked Jun 27, 2021 in Studio One+ by gmgworldmedia (120 points)
I purchased Studio One 5 and found out there was a cloud collaboration option (Sphere). But I see that purchasing sphere also comes with a license. Is there a way to purchase just Sphere OR can I get a refund to purchase the Sphere bundle?


1 Answer

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answered Aug 17, 2021 by mesperance (1,210 points)
Wow I can't believe no one answered yet.

I am also a S1 v5 pro user who has been paying for upgrades since S1 V2.

Just today I purchased Sphere to take advantage of all it offers. I've had it for less than an hour and I'm hitting bugs.

I tried downloading a Mai Tai preset from the exchange but I am unable to download it. It says "Studio One Artist or Professional is required in order to use items from Exchange." Like wtf, I already have it installed.

any luck with your issue?