Questions & Answers

missing metatags (metadata) in wav files exports: bug or feature to add to the new version?

+4 votes
asked Jul 5, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Zurbitos (830 points)
on Project page: we can add the metadata (tags) for the master (so "artist", "album", "ISRC", etc ...) and therefore find themselves in the DDP and mp3 exports, BUT no tags are kept in the files when I export "Digital Release" in WAV format!

I can add metatags in wav files without problem with Audacity (or any Tag editor): I can export any file in wav format, 24 or 16 bit, for which I can add the metadata (which I have to fill up one to one for each file, no batch, that's why it’s annoying that SO5 can not do it) and I can find back the metadata of the WAV files in the file's properties! If I listen to the wav file with VLC for example, it shows me the metadatas! And when I make a WAV conversion to MP3, the datas are retained!

So it seems absolutely possible to do that, but through SO5 the file properties are empty. Thanks in advance.