Questions & Answers

Sidechain sources missing from the dropdown menu on certain there a bug?

0 votes
asked Jul 10, 2021 in Studio One 5 by Matthew Hofman (120 points)


My podcasting template implements sidechain compression for ducking music and room bleed. The music bed track shows the sidechain options as they should be (no additional busses needed). However, my other tracks are all missing sidechain source options. I alternatively set up "Voice 1" the old-school bus send way, which was successful, but all the other tracks were missing those send options as well. 

Is this a bug and is there any way to fix it? Session screenshots included below:

music bed with preferred side chain options

Voice 1 successfuly sidechained to bus

missing sidechain optionsmissing sidechain optionsmissing sidechain options

Thank you for your assistance!

Studio One Artist

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2021 by janolszak (740 points)
Sometimes I see busses missing in side chain if adding the bus would create a "loop". Maybe that's your case?