Questions & Answers

Either allow "Empty Song" to be editable, or removable from the list, or at least change the order of it in the list.

+1 vote
asked Jul 21, 2021 in Look and Feel by Garrie (710 points)
What currently happens:

On the main page you click Start -> New Song and are preseted with the user list of song templates. At the top of the list of "Empty Song", which is the default empty song, and below that are all user-created templates, which have a corresponding file in the templates folder, in alphabatical order.

"Empty Song" is pretty useless - it is not configured for your audio interface and the song audio setup settings must be changed/imported every time, and it's not possible (to my knowledge) to make changes to this template and save them, because there is no file for this template in the templates folder.

What should happen:

Option A - gives users the option to make changes to Empty Song and save them.
Option B - give users the option to hide Empty Song from the list and show only their own templates.
Option C - give users the option to reorder the list so that Empty Song is not at the top.

Consequences of this change: users can open a new song in their preferred template with a single hit of the enter key instead of having to grab the mouse, click down to the template you want (which will almost never be "Empty Song") and then hit enter.

Regardless of whether A/B/C is implemented, it would also be nice to be able to choose the order of your user templates - so that you can order them in terms of most frequently used, instead of alphabetical.