Questions & Answers

First track has always REC button enabled

+2 votes
asked Aug 3, 2021 in Studio One 5 by matteomanzoni (140 points)
Hello guys, i'm really new to this software but I'm pretty into the daw stuff.

I'm getting started as I said, and I encountered my first ( probably stupid) problem, but please help me cause I didn't find any solutions on this forum.

So basically when I start an empty project and I load the first track ( whatever will be, audio or midi etc, ) the red rec button is always enabled and I can't figure it out how to turn it off. If I start to add some other tracks, these works fine, I can switch on/off the record button how many time I want, but the first one is always recording. The only way I can adjust this is to delete the first track I created, and after that, when the second track becomes the new first, no problem anymore. Is this a strange bug? It's a problem due to my midi keyboard ( even if it works fine through other things?)

Thank you.