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(BUG) first possible note position not always play at least with Presonus XT

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asked Oct 27, 2022 in Studio One 6 by juha-pekkakuusela (1,310 points)
(BUG) first possible note position not always play at least with Presonus XT happens sometimes now when i do new track with it plays but old track (what i removed own personal reasons) not also applies rendered audio what means is not same issue what have other daw years ago. happens latest Studio one Pro 5 and new 6. rarely and somehow restarting studio one and loading project fixes it. and first possible is one what "zero position" (all postion related numbers are zero) but next possible position not. is so random is next impossioble know why start happen and does happen other plugins as well. but if i found more this problem i docuemnt it.

and sometimes one plugin (not Presonus one and i know is relialbe and good plugin and commonly used what means i bet problem is studio one) some keys not sended to plugin. i say this is also maybe related issue. and this happened only once.

i not sure maybe related when i change instruemnt what track uses but i cocoument